Preparation for PIP control

Even a small employer should take into account the possibility of control by labor inspectors operating under the local jurisdiction of a given District Labor Inspectorate. Supervision and control of compliance with labor law, including health and safety at work, are the responsibility of the National Labor Inspectorate. The above rule results from art. 184 of the Labor Code (CCP), which of course does not regulate all issues related to the PIP. These issues are contained in a separate Act of 13 April 2007 on the National Labor Inspectorate, which regulates the scope of activity, organization of the National Labor Inspectorate and regulates the mode of conducting inspections by labor inspectors.

During the inspection, the PIP inspector has the right to unrestricted entry to the premises and premises of the company he controls. He does not have to show a pass or go through a personal search. May carry out an inspection:

  • objects,
  • rooms,
  • workplaces,
  • machines and devices,
  • technological process,

During the inspection of the National Labor Inspectorate, the inspectors also have the right to interview employees in matters related to the inspection and to obtain oral and written testimonies from them. Inspectors must have access to:

  • technological and technical documentation,
  • statements,
  • calculations
  • personnel files.
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